Utkal Galleria

Taste Royalty With Every Bite At

Gelato Ice Cream

Taste Royalty With Every Bite At

Gelato Ice Cream

ABOUT …………………………..

Our company, Gelato VINTO, derives its name from the Italian term ‘gelare,’ which means ‘to freeze,’ therefore ‘gelato’ is synonymous with frozen.In India, Gelato serves the most wonderful Italian ice cream/frozen treat. We offer a variety of melt-in-your-mouth items that are lower in fat than conventional, industrial ice cream while retaining a rich creamy texture and powerful taste. Our gelato is 96% fat free and has all of the minerals and vitamins found in the fresh fruits, nuts, and sauces used in its preparation.

We guarantee that it is always fresh since it is prepared daily, as opposed to commercial ice cream, which is manufactured and kept eternally.

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