Utkal Galleria

Taste Royalty With Every Bite At

Wow Momo

Taste Royalty With Every Bite At

Wow Momo

ABOUT …………………………..

Kolkata-based startup founded by friends Sagar Daryani and Binod Homagai Wow! Momo launched on August 29, 2008. We have experimented with a broad variety of items, some of which include Cheese Momos, Augratin, Sizzlers, Butter Masala Momo, and Darjeeling Momo. Our company’s mantra has always been “make food fun,” and innovation has always kept us on top.  Khao Suey, spring rolls, honey potatoes, chicken-wrapped prawns, Chinese Bhel, and peppery lemon paneer are a few of our most well-liked meals. Unique rice bowls are something that the brand offers that stand out on the menu.

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