Utkal Galleria

ABOUT ................................

Lavie’s journey commenced in 2009 during an intimate family gathering, where the vibrant handbags crafted by Mrs. Shobha Tainwala captivated the attending guests, quickly becoming a sensation. Encouraged by her friends to continue her creation of these chic handbags, Shobha sought the assistance of her brother to manage the surging demand.

Recognizing a conspicuous void in the market for high-profile bags, the dynamic brother-sister duo resolved to establish a world-renowned brand. Embarking on an extensive exploration of enchanting landscapes throughout Europe and Asia, they sought design inspiration and scoured for the finest materials.

Their journeys spanning from 2010 to 2012 served as a wellspring of inspiration, ultimately giving rise to Lavie. The brand’s name itself draws from the beloved French phrase “La Vie en Rose,” signifying “Life in Pink Hues.” Today, you can experience the essence of Lavie at our store in Utkal Galleria, where a world of fashion and style awaits you.

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